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KCCS Training

Specialist Training 
Counsellors, Therapists and Practitioners working with Children and Young People

I have created 5 workshops that cover a range of information and skills that support people working therapeutically with children and young people.

Ethical and Relational Counselling for Children

Working with ACEs

Working Ethically with Risk

Working with Neurodivergence

Creative and Therapeutic Play

Full details of each workshop can be found on the workshop information page.

Dates can be found on the workshop date page

Book online here


I have over 30 years of experience working with children and young people, as a qualified teacher, counsellor and clinical supervisor. My substantial qualifications and training have enabled me to provide effective psychological support for young people and children.

Over the last 6 years I have received feedback from many practitioners who expressed a desire for more accessible training to work therapeutically with Children and Young People.


Inspired to meet the needs of these practitioners who are hoping to have a career working with this age group, I have worked hard to provide unique training programmes designed to equip professionals with the techniques and skills needed to support and empower young individuals. 

Using my experience I have developed a successful framework that enables me to work collaboratively with this age group, that allows them to feel heard and supported, and improve their psychological and emotional well-being. My training programmes offer the benefit of this knowledge, supported with sound training methods.


My training programs are ideal for therapists, counsellors, educators, child care professionals, and anyone who works with children and young people. I am committed to making a difference in the lives of young people.




Contact me at or on site today to learn more about my training workshops and how I can help you make a positive impact on the lives of the young people you work with.

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